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“One World Across Unfamiliar Lines”


Beyond Barriers is an initiative aimed at promoting global sustainability through youth travel and cultural exploration. JAN'S HAVEN encourages young people to step beyond their comfort zones and immerse themselves in unfamiliar cultures and traditions, to foster inclusivity and understanding. Integral to this initiative is hands-on learning in filmmaking, guided by experienced professionals, to capture the essence of these experiences and raise awareness about the importance of cultural diversity. 


Initiative Components:


Cultural Exchange Trips:


 - Organize educational trips for youth to visit different countries and communities, providing opportunities to interact with locals, participate in cultural activities, and gain firsthand insights into diverse ways of life. 


 - Facilitate workshops and discussions to encourage dialogue and exchange of ideas among participants, promoting mutual respect, empathy, and appreciation for food and cultural differences. 


 - Partner with local organizations, schools, and community leaders to arrange meaningful cultural immersion experiences and ensure respectful engagement with host communities.  


Filmmaking Workshops: 


 - Offer hands-on filmmaking workshops led by experienced professionals, providing participants with technical skills, artistic guidance, and storytelling techniques to effectively capture their travel experiences on film.


 - Provide access to filmmaking equipment and resources, allowing participants to produce high-quality documentaries, short films, or video blogs that reflect their personal perspectives and insights gained from their cultural exploration. 


Awareness Campaigns:


 - Showcase the films created by participants through screenings, film festivals, and online platforms to reach wider audiences and promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.


 - Organize community events, panel discussions, and educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of cultural diversity, tolerance, and inclusion in achieving global sustainability. 


 - Collaborate with schools, universities, and cultural institutions to integrate Beyond Barriers' films and educational resources into curricula and youth development programs, fostering intercultural competence and empathy among students. 


Impact Goals: 


 - Expand youth's cultural horizons and promote appreciation for diversity and inclusion.


 - Empower young people to become advocates for global sustainability and social justice through firsthand experiences and storytelling. 


 - Foster cross-cultural understanding, empathy, and respect among participants and broader communities. 


 - Raise awareness and inspire action towards building a more inclusive and harmonious world. 


 Through Beyond Barriers, JAN'S HAVEN aims to empower youth to break down barriers, bridge divides, and celebrate the rich tapestry of humanity. By harnessing the power of filmmaking and cultural exploration, we can inspire positive change and create a more interconnected and compassionate global community.




Social cohesion often leads to a more balanced approach to sustainable development; therefore, gender equality is integral to sustainability. JAN'S HAVEN promotes women's representation in leadership, ensuring equal access to productive resources and reducing violence against women and girls. The initiative identifies seven sectors traditionally dominated by men and aims to change perspectives and experiences. Namely:


 - innovation and technology; 

 - auto mechanics;

 - aviation;

 - finance;

 - Filmmaking;

 - surgical;

 - construction


Despite progress, gender biases persist worldwide, hindering opportunities for women and girls. Initiatives like "No Ceilings" offer skill training, scholarships, and entrepreneurial support to girls in underrepresented communities. Gender equality enhances development outcomes, economic productivity, and policymaking reflective of women's needs. JAN'S HAVEN, in partnership with corporations, provides mentorship, job placements, and entrepreneurial support in seven male-dominated industries, targeting ages 13-25 for maximum impact. "When women succeed, society succeeds" 




In alignment with our sustainable development goals for a more equitable environment for future generations, it is imperative to address reduced inequalities and violence against girls, which are global health challenges. Girls experience and fear violence in public spaces, restricting their freedom of movement and ability to participate fully in school, work, and public life.


Studies show that 75% of girls with low self-esteem engage in negative activities such as cutting, bullying, substance abuse, or disordered eating. Self-defense training helps girls develop easy-to-use techniques such as awareness, assertiveness, and verbal confrontation skills, along with safety strategies and physical techniques to prevent, resist, and escape assaults.


In collaboration with Phaidra Knight (The first “Black” American to be inducted into the Rugby Hall of Fame and professional Mixed Martial Artist), Every Girl self-defense and esteem-building workshops are designed exclusively for girls aged 13-19, focusing on training in awareness, physical conditioning, defense tactics, and improved self-esteem.  These workshops focus on two components, incorporating age-appropriate role-plays: (A) awareness exercises to cultivate a habit of identifying and redirecting intrusive thoughts through positive self-talk, and (B) assertiveness exercises and conflict resolution skill-building exercises to enhance self-esteem and decrease fear.


 As psychologist Jeffrey Gadare, PhD, explains, our perception influences our ability to recall things about ourselves. Positive mental health begins with awareness, yet seven in ten girls struggle with feelings of inadequacy regarding their looks, school performance, and relationships. Cultivating healthy self-esteem enables girls to accept themselves and take pride in their achievements, fostering overall satisfaction and confidence. Every Girl's two-and-a-half-hour workshop is designed to provide skill training for girls aged 13-19, focusing on easy-to-use self-defense techniques and strategy-building for improved decision-making. The goal is to guide girls in increasing awareness, defending against, and/or escaping dangerous situations. Trauma-informed workshops include psychological skills and esteem-building training, resulting in reduced fear, increased self-confidence, and a greater sense of empowerment and self-worth among participants. Defense and situation analysis workshops encourage girls to think in terms of options and choices while developing awareness, assertiveness skills, and physical self-defense techniques to tap into their innate power.




Initiative Components:


 1. Awareness Campaigns: - Launch targeted campaigns using social media, community events, and partnerships to raise awareness about mental health issues in “Black and Brown” communities.


 -  In collaboration with local leaders, influencers, and organizations, host workshops, seminars, and panel discussions to amplify the importance of seeking help and breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.  


 2. Stigma Reduction Programs:


 - Create videos, and podcasts, to address mental health stigma within the community.


 -  Partner with professional filmmakers to create a documentary series which examines the long term ramifications of unaddressed childhood trauma in various aspects of the community. 


- Facilitating safe spaces for individuals to share their experiences and receive support from others who understand their cultural background. 


3. Fundraising Initiatives:


 -  Create crowdfunding campaigns, soliciting corporate sponsors and donations to support “Black and Brown” students pursuing behavioral health care careers, increasing the number of “Black” psychologists for better therapy outcomes.


 - Partner with universities, colleges, and professional organizations to create internship opportunities, research grants, and networking events for students in the behavioral health field. 


 - Produce annual events for fostering rejuvenating and developing improved coping skills. 


 4. Advocacy and Policy Reform:


 - Advocate for policy changes and investments in mental health services for communities of color at the local, state, and national levels. 


 - Work with policymakers, legislators, and advocacy groups to address systemic barriers to access, affordability, and quality of mental health care in marginalized communities.


 - Support initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the mental health workforce, including recruitment efforts, training programs, and career advancement opportunities for professionals of color. 


 Impact Goals: 


 - Increase awareness and understanding of mental health issues among “Black and Brown” communities, leading to reduced stigma and increased help-seeking behaviors. 


 - Advocate for expanding access to culturally competent mental health services and resources for individuals and families in underserved areas. 


 - Advocate for policies and practices that promote equity, inclusion, and social justice in mental health care delivery and support systems. 


By implementing these initiatives, Jan’s Haven  aims to create a more supportive, inclusive, and equitable environment for mental health care in “Black and Brown” communities, encouraging individuals to seek help, access resources, and thrive on their journey to wellness. Together, we can break the stigma, build futures, and transform lives.




An initiative dedicated to supporting underrepresented boys facing challenges in society. Our mission is to provide resources, mentorship, and opportunities to boys from diverse backgrounds to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.


 Initiative Components:


1. Skills Development Workshops: - Offer workshops and training sessions to develop practical skills and abilities, such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.


 - Provide opportunities for hands-on learning experiences, career exploration, and exposure to different fields and industries. 


 2. Mental Health Support: 


 - Provide access to mental health support to address issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma. 


 - Promote mental wellness and resilience through mindfulness practices, coping strategies, and peer support networks. 


 - Raise awareness about the importance of mental health and de-stigmatize seeking help through education and outreach efforts.


Impact Goals:


 - Support underrepresented boys to overcome obstacles, build confidence, and achieve their goals. 


 - Foster a supportive community of mentors, peers, and allies to provide encouragement, guidance, and resources. 


 - Increase access to opportunities for entrepreneurial activities, career advancement, and personal development for boys from diverse backgrounds. 


 - Promote positive self esteem, healthy relationships, and social-emotional skills to cultivate resilience and well-being. Through Support Our Boys (SOS), we aim to break barriers, build futures, and create a more inclusive and equitable society where every boy has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Together, we can empower the next generation of leaders, change-makers, and trailblazers.



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